Uswitch Uredesign

You switch, you redesign.

When your switching your product to a new brand for the first time in twenty years where do you start? The design team started right at the beginning.

Head of Product Design
Brand New Experience
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What we did

Customer Journeys

The Energy product squad was in the process of redesigning the energy switching journey (agnostic of the new brand), starting with building and A/B testing the mobile journey. We took this opportunity to test out elements of the new brand and Design System as part of a wider roll-out plan.

Design Ops

Alongside the wider deployed digital brand playbook and principles. The team created high-level packs for product, content, and the social teams to enable new product templates and material to support phase 1 of the brand roll-out.

Content Design

Integration of content design as a discipline and strategy was set up and integrated into the product squads.

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Increase in Revenue Projection - For Energy switching, £2.4m per year

Design System - Improved consistency, efficiency and speed.

Uplift in User Performance - 40,000 additional Energy switches.

Please do reach out, to work together or just say hello.


Please do reach out, to work together or just say hello.


Please do reach out, to work together or just say hello.
